The Center for Apostolic Study,
addresses the concerns of those who believe they are called to express
their gifts Apostolically, within the Body of Christ. To provide a
foundational basis of support and fellowship with like-minded
individuals and groups, fielding similar challenges. To educate and
heighten awareness of the many facets of correctly applied Apostolic
Governing in the 21st Century and beyond.
The position of Apostle is unique, with
duties & responsibilities that can vary greatly. Many people may
not be aware that they are Apostolic by nature. Apostles build,
establish and bring structure where there is none. They are excellent
administrators and planners. An excellent example of this position can
be found in the book of Nehemiah.
Often, Apostles are considered the
"leaders", because they were mentioned first. This is not their reason
for receiving first mention. Apostles were mentioned first because of
their ability to plan and implement policy and procedure. Apostles are
spiritual problem solvers. They are administrators who can set in
motion any God ordained plan with ease.
You can find those who are called to
apostolic positions functioning in homes, churches and even in
businesses worldwide. A good example of a type of secular apostles
would be those often seen on the panel of the popular television show
called “Shark Tank”.
In the church however, this position is
aspired to more than any other, and is also the most abused more than
any other. Contrary to popular opinion, Apostles are here to serve.
Jesus said it this way, "if anyone wants to be greatest in the Kingdom,
let him first become a servant to all". Selah.
There is nothing about any position in the
Church of Jesus Christ that can be ground in stone. The dynamics found
within the Apostleship are enormous. It would be like attempting to
place the GODHEAD in a box. Apostles should serve within the Body of
Christ in the Spirit of meekness, humility and integrity.
Apostles should be experts at
intercession. A big problem in the Church is that Apostles do not
recognize the need to be at the head of Intercession. Apostles must
display like characteristics of Christ, "who ever liveth to make
They should never lose sight of the
primary purpose for being placed in the position; and that is to serve
the Body of Christ in the same manner that Jesus served the Apostolic
Ministry during His tenure on Earth.
If you believe you should be served only,
this not the position for you. This position also comes with intense
warfare, therefore you must have a life of prayer and communion with
God. You cannot function here on your wits.
Biblically, Apostles were often
slaughtered, maimed or held in contempt by the very ones that they came
to assist. If you believe you are called to this position by God, you
are advised to proceed with caution; gaining continual knowledge and
understanding as you progress.